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This is the reference for the Hardhat Network Helpers library. This library contains utility functions to interact with the Hardhat Network in an easier and safer way.

# Mining blocks

#mine([blocks], [options])

Mines a specified number of blocks at a given interval.


  • blocks: Number of blocks to mine. Defaults to 1.
  • options.interval: Configures the interval (in seconds) between the timestamps of each mined block. Defaults to 1.


// mine a new block
await helpers.mine();

// mine several blocks
await helpers.mine(1000);

// mine several blocks with a given interval between their timestamps
await helpers.mine(1000, { interval: 15 });


Mines new blocks until the latest block number is blockNumber.


  • blockNumber: Must be greater than the latest block's number.


await helpers.mineUpTo(1234);

# Manipulating accounts

#setBalance(address, balance)

Sets the balance for the given address.


  • address: The address whose balance will be edited.
  • balance: The new balance to set for the given address, in wei.


await helpers.setBalance(address, 100n ** 18n);

#setCode(address, code)

Modifies the contract bytecode stored at an account's address.


  • address: The address where the given code should be stored.
  • code: The code to store.


await helpers.setCode(address, "0x1234...");

#setNonce(address, nonce)

Modifies an account's nonce by overwriting it.


  • address: The address whose nonce is to be changed.
  • nonce: The new nonce.


await helpers.setNonce(address, 100);

#setStorageAt(address, index, value)

Writes a single position of an account's storage.


  • address: The address where the code should be stored.
  • index: The index in storage.
  • value: The value to store.


await helpers.setStorageAt(address, storageSlot, newValue);

#getStorageAt(address, index, [block])

Retrieves the data located at the given address, index, and block number.


  • address: The address to retrieve storage from.
  • index: The position in storage.
  • block: The block number, or one of "latest", "earliest", or "pending". Defaults to "latest".

Returns: A string containing the hexadecimal value retrieved.


await helpers.getStorageAt(address, storageSlot);


Allows Hardhat Network to sign subsequent transactions as the given address.


  • address: The address to impersonate.


await helpers.impersonateAccount(address);


Stops Hardhat Network from impersonating the given address.


  • address: The address to stop impersonating.


await helpers.stopImpersonatingAccount(address);

# Time helpers


Returns the timestamp of the latest block.


await helpers.time.latest();


Returns the number of the latest block.


await helpers.time.latestBlock();


Mines a new block whose timestamp is amountInSeconds after the latest block's timestamp.


  • amountInSeconds: Number of seconds to increase the next block's timestamp by.

Returns: The timestamp of the mined block.


// advance time by one hour and mine a new block
await helpers.time.increase(3600);


Mines a new block whose timestamp is timestamp.


  • timestamp: Must be bigger than the latest block's timestamp.


await helpers.time.increaseTo(newTimestamp);


Sets the timestamp of the next block but doesn't mine one.


  • timestamp: Can be Date or Epoch seconds. Must be greater than the latest block's timestamp.


// set the timestamp of the next block but don't mine a new block
await helpers.time.setNextBlockTimestamp(newTimestamp);

# Snapshots


Takes a snapshot of the state of the blockchain at the current block.

Returns: An object with a restore method that can be used to reset the network to the state in the snapshot.


// take a snapshot of the current state of the blockchain
const snapshot = await helpers.takeSnapshot();

// after doing some changes, you can restore to the state of the snapshot
await snapshot.restore();

# Fixtures


Useful in tests for setting up the desired state of the network.

Executes the given function and takes a snapshot of the blockchain. Upon subsequent calls to loadFixture with the same function, rather than executing the function again, the blockchain will be restored to that snapshot.

Warning: don't use loadFixture with an anonymous function, otherwise the function will be executed each time instead of using snapshots:

  • Correct usage: loadFixture(deployTokens)
  • Incorrect usage: loadFixture(async () => { ... })


  • fixture: The function that will be used to set up the fixture.


async function deployContractsFixture() {
  const token = await Token.deploy(...);
  const exchange = await Exchange.deploy(...);

  return { token, exchange };

it("test", async function () {
  const { token, exchange } = await loadFixture(deployContractsFixture);

  // use token and exchanges contracts

# Other helpers


Removes the given transaction from the mempool, if it exists.


  • txHash: Transaction hash to be removed from the mempool.

Returns: true if successful, otherwise false.

Throws: if the transaction was already mined.


await helpers.dropTransaction(


Sets the base fee of the next block.


  • baseFeePerGas: The new base fee to use.


Sets the PREVRANDAO value of the next block.


  • prevRandao: The new PREVRANDAO value to use.

#reset([url], [blockNumber])

Resets the Hardhat Network. The result of calling this method depends on which arguments are provided:

  • If a url and a blockNumber are passed, the network will be reset to a forked state using that URL and block number.
  • If no blockNumber is provided, the network will be reset to a forked state using the latest block number that can be forked with a low probability of being reorged.
  • If the function is called without arguments, the network will be reset to a local, non-forked state.

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